Miss Teen Simpsonville Katelyn Moore Speaks to Council

Miss Teen Simpsonville

Ms. Moore spoke about plans for Miss Teen SC, platform


Simpsonville, S.C. — Simpsonville City Council members and Mayor Paul Shewmaker were happy to host Miss Teen Simpsonville Katelyn Moore at the Council meeting on Tuesday night. Ms. Moore spoke about her experience as Miss Teen Simpsonville, plans to compete for Miss Teen South Carolina this month, and platform "Wait Until 8th," a campaign to encourage delaying the use of smartphones by children until 8th grade.

Join us in congratulating Ms. Moore and wishing her well in her upcoming competition!

PHOTO: Council members Chad O'Rear (Ward I), Aaron Rupe (Ward II), and Shannon Williams (Ward III), Miss Teen Simpsonville Katelyn Moore, Mayor Paul Shewmaker, and Council members Tim Pinkerton (Ward V) and Lou Hutchings (Ward VI).