RFQ Public Facilities

RFQ city facilities

​(Submissions must include 1 electronic file and 3 hard copies)

The City of Simpsonville is seeking the services of an architectural firm to provide design and construction management services for the construction of new City facilities including Police Department, Fire Department Headquarters, and City Hall. The successful firm will work on behalf of the City to design new buildings to house the aforementioned city offices. The selected firm will also prepare construction documents and assist in the procurement of construction professionals, and supervise construction on behalf of the City.  Qualified firms must demonstrate competence and experience in design and construction management of public facilities, including but not limited to, assessment of existing conditions, space planning, development of construction drawings, construction requirements, construction management, final inspection, and other services the City deems necessary.  Favorable consideration will be given to firms with the following:  1) proximity to the project location; 2) prior experience with similar projects, including design and construction management for public facilities projects; 3) qualified personnel in municipal projects; 4) ability to meet time and fee schedules established by the City; 5) knowledge of existing conditions.  

$12.5 million dollar project including construction of two buildings: new fire department headquarters, new City Hall including police department; fire department will likely be a 15,000 square-foot facility, while City Hall and police department will be approximately 20,000 square feet.

All responses to the Request for Qualifications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, April 16th to:

Dianna Gracely

City Administrator

City of Simpsonville

118 NE Main Street

Simpsonville, SC  29681


A Selection Committee will review all submittals and will interview firms it believes are most qualified to deliver desired outcome. City Council will have the final decision regarding which firm is selected to lead the projects.

Any questions or requests for additional information may be directed to the above-mentioned contact person.