
Adopt-a-Street Logo


The mission of the Simpsonville SIMPLY PROUD. Adopt-a-Street Program is to reduce litter inside Simpsonville city limits through partnerships between the City of Simpsonville and community members that promote sustained litter cleanup efforts.


Future Adopters:

— To adopt a street or road in Simpsonville city limits, please submit the following: Adopt-a-Street Application.

— Please read and familiarize yourself with the "Participant Policies & Expectations" of the Adopt-a-Street Program at the bottom of the webpage under Supporting Documents.



 Adopt-a-Street Reporting - For a minimum of 4 cleanups a year, Adopters must submit the Adopt-a-Street Reporting form.

 Assumption of Risk & Release Form - Each volunteer must submit the Assumption & Risk of Release Form for each cleanup.

"Litter Pickup Tips" for safely picking up litter can be found at the bottom of the webpage under Supporting Documents.


Adopt-a-Road (Greenville County):

 Greenville County manages Adopt-a-Road, which allows a group to adopt a 2-mile section of Greenville County road for 2 years.

To adopt a state or county road, complete the Adopt-a-Road Agreement.

 County roads - Contact Litter Prevention Coordinator Summer Gagnon at

— State roads - Contact Adopt-a-Highway County Coordinator Kim Bobo at

 Read Volunteer Safety Guidelines.