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Programs & Resources

Citizen Feedback
Commendations and Complaints 

A citizen can commend an employee or file a formal complaint against an employee of this Department by letter, telephone or in person at any time.


If you wish to commend the actions of employees of this Department, you may do so by completing a commendation form.  This form can either be mailed in or hand delivered to the Simpsonville Police Department or submitted online. You may also give a verbal commendation to any Department supervisor.


If you believe the conduct of an employee was inappropriate and would like to file a formal complaint, you may do so by completing the complaint form.  This form can be mailed in or hand delivered or submitted online. Although it is preferred that you meet with a Supervisor, it is not necessary.

Once the complaint is received, it will be forwarded to the Support Captain for review. The complaint will be processed and forwarded to the appropriate division for investigation. During the investigation, statements will be taken from you, witnesses, and the subject employee(s). Employee investigations will remain confidential until finalized.

Once the investigation is completed, you will be notified by mail as to the result of the investigation. There are four possible findings:

Unfounded – The complaint was not based on facts, as shown by the investigation, or the incident complained about did not occur.

Exonerated – The action reported did occur, but the investigation disclosed that the actions were reasonable, lawful, and proper.

Not Sustained – There is insufficient evidence available to either prove or disprove the allegations of the complaint.

Sustained – Investigation disclosed sufficient evidence to support the allegations in the complaint.

If an employee was found to have acted improperly, the appropriate disciplinary action will be taken. Although we cannot guarantee you will be satisfied by the outcome, we do guarantee that your inquiry/complaint will be thoroughly investigated. Should you have any questions, please contact the Maj. Jay Owens  at 864-967-9536.

Citizen Survey
Police Department Citizen Survey

Safety and Security

How significant do you view the following issues in Simpsonville during the daytime hours?

How significant do you view the following issues in Simpsonville during the nighttime hours?

Overall Agency Performance

Prior contact with Simpsonville Police Department

During yoru most recent contact with SPD

Demographic Information

Citizen Police Academy

It is the mission of the City of Simpsonville Police Department Citizens Academy to build relationships through a course of instruction intended to familiarize residents with the men and women sworn to your service, and the jobs we do to keep your families safe.

Course Program

Our 9 week Citizen Police Academy presents an overview of a modern, progressive law enforcement agency striving to serve a dynamic and growing community. Through the Citizen Academy, you will gain an appreciation for the complex challenging issues facing police today while having the opportunity to present your own concerns and questions regarding the direction of public safety in your City. The Citizens Academy will include, but is not limited to training in the following areas: an introduction to the City/Police Department history and organization, Patrol and Traffic Operations, Criminal/ Constitutional Laws, Arrest Laws and Procedures, Criminal Investigations and Crime Scene Investigations, Narcotics and Investigations into Drug Activity, High Risk Response, Negotiations, Community Police Services, Accreditation and Support Services.  Meetings are held once a week for approximately 3-hours, for 9 consecutive weeks culminating in a graduation ceremony at the end.

Course Progression

Department employees and guest instructors present each session and interact with participants on a very approachable manner.  Students network with the Department Staff and Members of almost every facet of the Simpsonville Community. Your participation and interaction are an integral part of helping us all get to know one another better.

If you are interested in attending an upcoming citizen police academy class, please contact Sgt. Scott Magaw at

Now Accepting Applications for 2017 Citizens Police Academy! We have a limited number of spots available. Spots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. 

The Citizens Police Academy begins Thursday, September 9, 2017. The Academy will meet every Thursday from 6:30-9:30 pm for 9 weeks. 

Applications can be dropped off at the Simpsonville Police Department or City Hall or emailed to Sgt. Scott Magaw at

Hire Extra Duty Officer
Special Events and Security

The City of Simpsonville requires that businesses, organizations or citizens that wish to host certain events in the city to hire Simpsonville Police Officers for security at those events.  The city and police department requires that event permits and security agreements be completed prior to the event taking place.  If you are planning an event or have questions concerning the need or requirement for police security please email: 

Vacation Watch

As an added service to our residents, the Simpsonville Police Department offers an extra patrol/vacation watch service to personal residences and/or businesses within the city limits.  Your residence or business will be checked at least once every 24 hours to ensure that nobody has broken into your residence. An officer will walk the external areas of the premises, checking windows and doors. If you are interested in this service, please fill in the below information and click “submit” when finished. You will be contacted to confirm your information. 

These requests are limited to a maximum of 30 days. Contact the Department if you need to have your request extended beyond 30 days. If you have the need for a directed patrol for reasons other than going out of town, such as criminal activity, please contact us at (864) 967-9536. 

Vacation Watch
First Name
Last Name
Ride-Along Application

To participate in the Ride-Along program by the Simpsonville Police Department, download, complete and submit the below Ride-Along Application:

Sex Offenders

Citizens that are concerned for potential sex offenders living in their area can use the following link to search for information regarding sex offenders. 

The link will take you to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division’s Sex Offender Registry page. You must agree to the terms of the site before you are given permission to search your area for offenders.

On the page citizens may sign up to receive email notification when a registered sex offender moves into his/her area.

Visit South Carolina Sex Offender Registry

The Simpsonville Police Department depends on the citizens to help solve crimes.  In order to provide assistance to our officers we ask that you follow the below recommendations.

Most importantly, in order to stay safe we ask that you do not intervene.  In other words, be a good witness.  The information you provide could lead to the arrest and prosecution of criminal activity.

When should you call the police?  Below are some examples of the types of situations that citizens should consider calling the police to investigate.

If you see suspicious activity like a stranger walking around a neighbor’s home, an unfamiliar vehicle parked in a suspicious location or circling your neighborhood, someone you do not recognize walking through yards…etc. please call.

If you observe an activity like those listed above or anything that is out of the “norm” please call the police at either 911 or 864-967-9536.  Don’t consider it a waste of time to report.  You just might prevent a crime from happening.

What to expect when you call?  Below are some things to think about when you call the police.  The faster we receive the information the quicker we can respond. 

Be prepared to answer the following questions, if possible and without placing yourself at any risk.

  • Give your location- the more specific the better.
  • Describe the vehicle in as much detail as possible to include make, model, color, tag number and anything unusual about the car like tinted windows.
  • Describe the suspect(s) as much as possible to include race, height, weight, hair color, clothing, facial hair, and if they are carrying anything.  Also any unusual characteristics like limping, talking to themselves or acting strange and especially if they have a weapon.
  • For both of the above, please give a direction of travel and the last time you saw them in minutes.
  • Stay on the phone as long as you are asked, as long as you see the suspects or until the police arrive.
  • If this is a common occurrence like heavy traffic to a home then keep a ledger with as much detail as possible to include the information above with times and dates.

You can remain anonymous when calling or reporting crime or suspicious activity.  Information regarding crimes committed can also be reported to Crimestoppers at 23-CRIME or the Simpsonville Police Department at (864) 967-9536.

Police Public Records
Public Records

The Records Division handles all data entry of incident reports and is responsible for submitting all statistical information to the State Law Enforcement Division (SLED).  For more information regarding an incident report, please call 864-228-2595.

Available Services

Local Criminal History Check ($6.00 each) – After the submission of a public records request via the Simpsonville Public Records Request Portal, any citizen can receive a report showing any convictions from the Simpsonville Police Department only. For Statewide or Nationwide Criminal History Checks please call the SLED at 803-896-2019 or they can be obtained through the SLED website.

Accident Reports ($5.00 per report)

Incident Reports ($5.00 per report) – Victims of a Crime can receive the report free of charge, but must pick them up at the Police Department

Fingerprints*: The cost for job applicant fingerprint cards or any other fingerprint card will be $10 for the 1st card, $15 for 2 cards, and $5.00 for each additional card.  Fingerprints can be taken Mondays and Wednesdays from 8am to 5pm.  Please go to the rear entrance of the Police Department and to the Communications window. Please note that these fingerprints are given on a fingerprint card for you to send to the proper destination.  These are NOT sent to SLED via database even though it is a Livescan machine.

Fingerprints for a concealed weapons permit ($5.00 per permit). Hours for fingerprinting are Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

The Records Division is open Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, excluding holidays.

Medication Disposal









The Simpsonville Police Department has been awarded a grant from CVS in the Community to combat drug abuse by installing a drug collection unit. The new unit will provide residents with a safe and environmentally responsible way to dispose of unwanted or expired medication, including controlled substances. The unit will be located by the Police Department after hours entrance. Drugs can be dropped off with no questions asked.

Prescription Patches
Prescription Medications
Prescription Ointments
Over-the-counter medications 
Medications for pets

Medications from Businesses or Clinics
Ointments, Lotions, or Liquids
Aerosol Cans 
Hydrogen Peroxide

Volunteer or Donate
General Donations

Donations from citizens or businesses can also be made to support our department or assist with costs associated with our community patrol programs such as our Citizens Police Academy or our Police Explorers Program.

Any general donations can be made by check to the Simpsonville Police Department. Checks can be mailed or delivered to the Simpsonville Police Department at 405 East Curtis Street Simpsonville, SC 29681.

Police Department Volunteer Opportunities
The citizens who volunteer at the Simpsonville Police Department provide a tremendous service that we are very appreciative for.  It is imperative that we provide effective and efficient service and we can only do this with the assistance of our volunteers. 

Volunteers save countless personnel hours, teach us so many things, bring new skills & ideas to the department and overall help us in so many different ways that we could never begin to thank you enough.

We stand ready to assist you in becoming a part of the Simpsonville Police Department family.  The Volunteer Coordinator (Lt. Timmie Williams) provides uniformity of our volunteer program and makes sure our volunteers are being utilized properly and fairly.

Please contact Lt. Timmie Williams if you are interested in volunteering with the Simpsonville Police Department ( or fill out the form below:

Police Department Volunteer Opportunities
Precious Metals Permit Application

Precious Metal permits require that a background check application be completed and processed. Each year after the initial year permit holders only need to file for the Precious Metal Permit.

The state of South Carolina requires that municipalities collect a $50 fee for Precious Metal permits.

Direct questions to Lt. Jim Donnelly at or 864-881-3108.

Legal Notices

Legal Notices by SPD - March 2025

Monthly Check Register

General Fund Un-audited Account Payments

Fiscal Year 2023-24 December
Fiscal Year 2023-24 January
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 February
Fiscal Year 2023-24 March
Fiscal Year 2023-24 April
Fiscal Year 2023-24 May
Fiscal Year 2023-24 June
Fiscal Year 2024-25 July
Fiscal Year 2024-25 August
Fiscal Year 2024-25 September
Fiscal Year 2024-25 October
Fiscal Year 2024-25 November
Fiscal Year 2024-25 December
Fiscal Year 2024-25 January
Fiscal Year 2024-25 February

Sewer Fund Un-audited Account Payments

Fiscal Year 2023-24 December
Fiscal Year 2023-24 January
Fiscal Year 2023-24 February
Fiscal Year 2023-24 March
Fiscal Year 2023-24 April
Fiscal Year 2023-24 May
Fiscal Year 2023-24 June
Fiscal Year 2024-25 July
Fiscal Year 2024-25 August
Fiscal Year 2024-25 September
Fiscal Year 2024-25 October
Fiscal Year 2024-25 November
Fiscal Year 2024-25 December
Fiscal Year 2024-25 January
Fiscal Year 2024-25 February

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SIMPLY SAID. Podcast Questions Form
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Monthly Financial Update

January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
June 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
June 2022
May 2022
April 2022

Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (Audit Reports)

FY 2004-2005
FY 2005-2006
FY 2006-2007
FY 2007-2008
FY 2008-2009
FY 2009-2010
FY 2010-2011
FY 2011-2012
FY 2012-2013
FY 2013-2014
FY 2014-2015
FY 2015-2016
FY 2016-2017
FY 2017-2018
FY 2018-2019
FY 2019-2020
FY 2020-2021
FY 2021-2022
FY 2022-2023
FY 2023-24

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