Business Licenses
Apply or Renew Your License in Just 3 Steps
Welcome to the City of Simpsonville’s online portal for business licenses! This portal allows you to renew an existing business license or apply for a new one completely online, following a simple three-step process. Manage your business needs quickly and easily without ever having to leave your office. For assistance click the button below.

Business License Processing and Renewal
After submitting your online application, our team will process your license or renewal and issue an invoice, which can be paid by check, cash, or credit card. Please note that business license applications and renewals by mail are no longer accepted.
All licenses expire annually on April 30th, with late fees applied after May 2nd. If your business has moved, changed ownership, or closed, please email Ron Johnson at with your Application ID and any updates.
Thank you for choosing to do business in the City of Simpsonville, and we wish you continued success in the year ahead!
New Business Licenses
To apply for a new business license, click the button below to access the portal. Once inside, select the “New Account” tab in the top right corner and follow the step-by-step instructions to complete your application.
Renewal Business Licenses
To renew your business license, click the button below to access the portal. Enter your Application ID and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the renewal process.